Detox & Build

Welcome to Detox & Build!

We're keeping it simple and affordable for everyone to have access to the program - there is a ton of education here. You have lifetime access to the program -  access whenever you're ready for the next step! Start whenever you're ready to start!

  • The regular program price will be $247 when this intro promotion expires. 
  • Our intro special is just $97. This price is good through Sunday, October 20th. We may offer specials in the future, but this will be the only time we discount to this price. 
    • No discount code is needed - the $97 will be the price posted at checkout.
    • *If you're a subscribing member of our EASY community - you will get an email with your special discount code, that you will need to use at checkout.
  • You have our 30-day money-back guarantee.


Learn How to Remove Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Parasites From Our Lives.

We live in a world that has become increasingly toxic, chaotic, uncertain, and overwhelming. As a result, more people are experiencing fatigue, illness, hopelessness, and health issues as never before.

You are not alone with these concerns!

The challenges bombarding our being ~ spirit, soul, and body ~ are increasing exponentially and draining our reserves faster than most of us can build them.

The Detox & Build program:

  • Provides new tools, technologies, and revelations to overcome what has been happening for decades and has intensified since 2020. This is an approach that unquestionably gets results!
    • These are the tools and resources Cheryl has developed since 2020 to help clients in her clinic.
    • As she says, "Post-COVID, everything changed. Old tools weren't enough. Now it's time to combine all this learning into a new program that is easily and affordably available to our entire community."

In this course, WE WILL take a 12-step journey on how to win the parasite battle, successfully and easily detox our bodies, and rebuild stronger and healthier!

  1. The Introduction lays the groundwork for getting started and includes a special lesson, "Fast Track to Parasite Cleansing" for those who want to 'skip to the end' and start a parasite cleanse immediately.
  2. Reduce Your Stress and Grab onto a Promise. This shows you how to lay a foundation to keep you on track throughout your life with any health goal - beyond the Detox & Build Program.

  3. Power up Your Energy. Adequate energy is the first step in every element of health.  Health can't be built without adequate energy, and detoxification will fail. Learn how to support and build your cellular energy levels.

  4. Reduce Inflammation. Inflammation is now acknowledged as the root of virtually every disease. A successful detox program starts with learning how to combat and reduce inflammation (physically, emotionally, and spiritually).
  5. Become aware of Toxicity and ways to reduce the toxic load in your life. If you want to create long-term health, you have to close the front door that lets in the toxins. Cleansing will never last if you keep exposing yourself to toxins that can be easily removed from your life and environment.

  6. Drain the Toxic Load. When you're ready to release the toxins, you must prepare the pathways for them to exit your body; if not, you'll just create more problems. This is a primary reason why most detox programs don't work.

  7. Bind Up the Toxins. Think of this as preparing toxins for their 'exit journey.' You want them to make it all the way to the end of their 'journey' and out of your body for good!

  8. Overcoming What has Happened past 2020. From 2020 forward, the world has changed. Every healthcare professional we interact with has seen these changes. How they treat and support their clients has had to change. The old tools are no longer enough. New tools and an honest awareness of the challenges you're facing are needed!

  9. Effective Parasite Cleansing. Now you're ready to do what everyone wants to do: a parasite cleanse. By now, you have the tools and preparation you need for it to be easy and effective!
  10. Toxicity and Weight Loss. It's time to take a fresh look at the weight loss challenges many people face. Eliminating stored toxins is essential to support long-term weight loss success.
  11. Celebrate Progress! It may sound superficial or frivolous, but in all my years of coaching, I've found that learning to recognize and celebrate a win, big or small, is essential for creating long-term change and success.
  12. Community Connection. In a world with so many conflicting views and divisions, having a community of like-minded people to support and encourage you is essential.

Within these 12 steps, you'll find over 50 simple, short video lessons, plus a manual and action steps to guide you on every step of your Detox and Build Journey. You can go as fast or slow as it works for you, and know that we are always here to support you! You'll also get simple action-step suggestions for each section.

The program also includes over  20+ additional FAQ resource videos and instructions! These are not sold as separate bonuses! We wanted this content available to everyone. They don't fit specifically into any of the 12 categories, but you'll most likely find topics that are specific to your challenges.

Take up our SHIELD and our Sword. Let's not only win the Parasite Battle but go beyond it to a complete Detox & Build that will give you the energy and vitality you desire.



50% Complete

Two Step

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